
Imbolg Song: The Time of the Plague

In the season of Imbolg, it is cold, it is snowy, but there's also clear signs that spring will be coming soon. There is more sunlight each day, which makes for signs of hope. But the snow and cold also keep you indoors, making this a good time for celebrating hearth and home. Which, conveniently, the Irish goddess Brighid absolutely is a present part of, so this is designated, at least in our local calendar, her birthday, a fitting time of in-gathering and preparation for the coming year.

Yule Song: Raise the Rafters

It's the season of Yuletide once again, a time of darkness and dreary weather, but also a time of partying inside every home. The harvest is gathered in, and the folk are mostly lounging around eating and staying warm and doing indoor tasks until it's time to get ready to head to the fields again.

Samhain Song: Remember the Voices on the Wind

The late fall season is upon us. The last bit of crops have been brought in, I've been busily winterizing my house in preparation for the deep cold of winter, and there is a sense of the world dying as it turns towards darkness. As is typical for modern pagan types, this leads to a focus in this season on our beloved dead and our ancient forebearers. This song comes from a vision that the screams and faint cries that are heard when wind rushes by are their voices, interpreted by some as the bean sidhe or banshee.

Fall Equinox Song: May Your Harvest Be Abundant

Fall equinox is upon us, and this enters my favorite season of the year. It's not too hot, it's not too cold, it's just right for humans to live. And unlike spring, which certainly has its charms, there's one big advantage of the fall season: Lots of food! Before modern transport and industry, this was the time of the year when everyone worked feverishly to collect as much food as they possibly could and preserve it, with the plan of having enough to last through roughly mid-June when the first leafy greens of the next year's crops begin to become edible. Whatever couldn't be preserved in any way other than fat around your belly had to be eaten now, so there was also a lot of feasting to do just that.

Lughnassadh Song: The Battle of Summer

For the rite of Lughnassadh, my grove celebrates this in the Irish cultural style, and a key aspect of the Irish celebration of Lughnassadh was a major festival gathering across all of Ireland. The mythological story of this festival concerns its namesake, Lugh of the many skills, the hero who shows up just when the Tuatha de Danann think all is lost and are suffering under the oppression of their Fomorian enemies and defeats them in battle.