Eleusinia Song: Follow the Souls


Fall equinox is upon us, and this enters my favorite season of the year. It's not too hot, it's not too cold, it's just right for humans to live. This year, as in many years' past, I'll be celebrating the season by focusing on Persephone and her journey to take up her throne in the Underworld at this time of the year, with some inspiration from the Eleusinian Mysteries of the past. And this presents a whole complex of visions of our ancestors and friends dwelling in the lands beyond.

As with many of my Greek-themed songs, this falls into a 3+2+2 rhythmic pattern, which matches a modern Greek folk dance still quite popular at weddings and such. However, this is much more leisurely paced than a traditional kalamantianos, so it doesn't have quite the same dancing feel to it. I used the D Dorian scale, which is very similar to a D minor but has that very haunting sound of the sharp 6th note of the scale, also allowing for G major chords in an otherwise minor key. My hope is that this combination presents a reasonably otherworldly journey.

All works are copyright by yours truly, but may be distributed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike 4.0. That means, in short, you can use them yourself and your grove, and play the song to your heart's content both in private and in public, but must give credit where credit is due, and if you're planning on selling something involving this song we need to talk about that first.

Sheet Music

Follow the Souls


Follow the Souls

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