Lughnassadh Song: Lugh's Lament

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For the rite of Lughnassadh, my grove celebrates this in the Irish cultural style, and a key aspect of the Irish celebration of Lughnassadh was a major festival gathering across all of Ireland. The origin of this gathering, according to at least some myths, was that Lugh, at the time king of Ireland, had called for annual warrior games in honor of the death of his foster mother Tailtiu after she gave her life preparing all the fields of Ireland to receive crops. Funerary games are a documented tradition in much of the ancient world (e.g. an entire chapter of the Iliad is devoted to one such round of games). This all inspired me to write a song which is aiming to be Lugh's voice honoring Tailtiu and her sacrifice for the good of her community and his realm.

Musically, this is straight-forward enough. It is also the first recording attempted on a new-to-me electronic accordion. This has a couple of benefits: The deeper base range, and the ability to record directly off the instrument's output without any extraneous noise. I'll be taking further advantage of this going forward.

All works are copyright by yours truly, but may be distributed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike 4.0. That means, in short, you can use them yourself and your grove, and play the song to your heart's content both in private and in public, but must give credit where credit is due, and if you're planning on selling something involving this song we need to talk about that first.

Sheet Music

Lugh's Lament


Lugh's Lament

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Patti Gutwein 9 months, 1 week ago

beautiful tribute

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