Spring Equinox Song: Dirt


This spring equinox, both I and the group I'm a part of have decided to focus on the wonderous Earth Mother in all her glory. Whatever you call her, this time of year is always a great time to think about her amazing beauty, especially as the plants start to wake up, and water, soil, and sun make their magic happen in the form of early spring flowers and seed germinating as we get ready for planting.

This is intentionally simple, the sort of thing one might find in a collection of English folk songs. I kept it just squeezebox and vocals, but I'm sure if you wanted to you could leave out the accordion too, and just do the vocals as you start turning over the garden beds. Of course, all that leaping about vocally can make it more difficult than it might sound at first to hit the right notes!

All works are copyright by yours truly, but may be distributed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike 4.0. That means, in short, you can use them yourself and your grove, and play the song to your heart's content both in private and in public, but must give credit where credit is due, and if you're planning on selling something involving this song we need to talk about that first.

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