
Viewing posts by Thexalon

Podcast: Part The Mist - Hellenic Hearth Culture

For those interested in exploring the Hellenic culture a bit and what it has to offer modern paganism, this might be worth a listen. Hosted by Jonathan Levy and Arin Hembde of Columbia Grove in Oregon, it includes a panel discussion with Thexalon, Rev Rob Henderson, and Diane "Emerald" Bronowicz Egelhoff, as well as an extended interview with Rev Missy Ashton.

Modern Contemplation of the Runes: Gebo

Giving to all men brings credit and honor
Help and worthiness - and to every outcast
is the estate and substance, that have naught else.

Sheet Music: Harvest Time

Continuing the series of sheet music for some of the songs I've written and performed over the years. All songs here are distributable via the terms of Creative Commons 3.0 Non-Commercial Share-Alike: In short, feel free to perform it, or modify it, or share it but if you're going to make money from it we need to talk.

Modern Contemplation of the Runes: Kenaz

KenazBrand from brand kindles until it's burned,
Spark kindles from spark,
Man becomes wise by speaking to men,
But gets dull, staying dumb.

Theories of Magic: The Topography of Magic

Topographical map Now that we have an idea of magical gravity, there is a pattern of high and low points. The high points are places of flexibility where you have more choices, but also require more physical and mental energy to maintain. The low points are places of rest, where fewer choices are available but allow for recovery from your previous efforts. We are now going to look at the possible formations of high and low points that meld together into a landscape we can traverse with the right tools.