
Viewing posts for the category Dots on a Page

Spring Equinox Song: The Play's The Thing

This song was written for the upcoming Stone Creed Grove Dionysia (spring equinox) celebration, as a specific honoring of Dionysos' role in creating the theatrical tradition as we know it today.

Imbolc Song: Hearth-Fire, Heart-Fire

This song was written for Stone Creed Grove's Imbolg celebration, and makes reference to some of the aspects of the celebration and of the primary deity being honored on that day, Brighid. Specific references include:

Sheet Music: The Sun Sets

This song was written originally for Lughnassadh, but I see it as speaking to losses from wartime regardless of season.

Sheet Music: Harvest of Love

This one is per a request from a friend. Conveniently, there's even an "official" recording of it, by yours truly.

Sheet Music: Homage a Robert Glenn

Continuing the series of sheet music for some of the songs I've written and performed over the years. All songs here are distributable via the terms of Creative Commons 3.0 Non-Commercial Share-Alike: In short, feel free to perform it, or modify it, or share it but if you're going to make money from it we need to talk.